Benefits of Drinking Cold Pressed Juice

Life is hectic and there’s no time to cook a healthy and balanced meal. Yet, people are looking for dietary options that are not only easy to consume, but also provide them with all the necessary vitamins and minerals they need in a day.

The one and only solution to all their health requirements is cold-pressed juice. Cold-pressed juice is the real deal; it will energize and refresh your body so much that you will love to have it again and again. As for the many health benefits of cold-pressed juice, here they are:

The Benefits of Cold-Pressed Juice
  1. It’s a True Substitute of Raw Fruit
    Consuming raw fruit is very beneficial for your health, but let’s be real, it’s very time consuming. You need to wash, cut and consume a whole fruit, and even then it’s only one fruit. As for cold-pressed juice, they extract and preserve even the most delicate nutrients in their best form. Even if you don’t have the time to consume a raw fruit, cold-pressed juice is the true alternate with the nutrients you deserve.
  2. It’s Is Denser and Fuller
    Cold-pressed juice extracts each and every drop of juice from the fruit, including live enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and a lot of fiber, when compared to juice extracted with other techniques. In other words, it’s denser and fuller than alternatives — just like consuming a lots of fruit in a single bottle.
  3. It’s the Safest and Most Beneficial Juicing Process
    Cold-pressed juicing is the safest and most beneficial technique used to extract juice either from fruits or vegetables. It keeps nutrients intact by extracting juice in a very gentle manner without using any heat. This technique also prevents oxidation of produce, which keeps the nutrients intact.
  4. Higher Shelf-Life
    Fresh juices take out from centrifugal technique have a smaller shelf-life of only 15-20 minutes, because of the technique used in the juice extraction process. The heating and oxidation of the product while the juicing process let the nutrients of juice break down very quickly, and thus having a very smaller shelf-life.
    But cold-pressed juices have the capability to preserve the natural nutrients for a longer period of time, for at least 2-3 days by being purely natural without the addition of any preservative. This is because of the technique used in the juice-extraction process which doesn’t let the oxidation and heating of the product. Click here to read in detail: Cold Pressed Vs Centrifugal Juice
  5. It Instantly Fulfills the Intake of Fruits and Vegetables
    Compromised diets appear in your body in the form of obesity, acne, stress, laziness, drowsiness, etc. Some of us have become so habitual with these things that we don’t even think to cure them, and this happens because we don’t consume the  appropriate amount of essential nutrients in our diet. This lack of nutrients can be easily and instantly fulfilled with the intake of cold-pressed juice, which delivers a variety of nutrients to maintain a healthy mind and body.
  6. It Aids in Weight Loss
    Cold-pressed juice is highly nutritious and makes your stomach feel full. It also prevents you from eating unhealthy snacks, thus preventing the intake of extra sugar and fat. Many health-conscious people use cold-pressed juicing as a way to lose weight in a healthy manner. It’s also easy to carry and consume, which makes it a delight to have it while on-the-go.
  7. It Helps Heal the Body
    Our body does a lot of work throughout the day as it digests whatever we put into it. Our organs work hard to absorb the good and reject the bad, and cold-pressed juice is gentle on the whole system, making it easy for our body to digest all the good things with ease. Healthy cold-pressed juice allows our system to take a break from the harsh routine and thus lets it heal.
  8. It Tastes Fresh and Crisp
    Unlike fresh juice taken with other techniques, cold-pressed juice tastes more fresh and crisp. Because this technique extracts all the juice and nutrients, it extracts the true flavor of a fruit and keeps it intact until the juice’s shelf-life comes by.
  9. It Works As An Instant Energy Booster
    Cold-pressed juice instantly boosts your system with energy by providing it with all the natural goodness without any added preservative or taste enhancers. Its nutrients, vitamins and minerals give our system a much needed energy boost, also helping us maintain a healthy PH balance in our body.
  10. It’s Extremely Good for the Immune System
    Consuming cold-pressed juice is like consuming the highest quality multivitamins that are also totally natural and are filled with all the good bacteria that helps suppress bad bacteria.
To conclude, cold-pressed juice is filled with natural goodness and energy that’s the best the body can have. There are plenty of reasons to consume it on regular basis, and it will keep you healthy, prevent unwanted diseases, and will give you the gift of a happy and healthy life.


  1. Its looks so yummy but i can only get organic pomegranate juice oasis direct due to limited things.


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